Welcome to the Impression Formation Experiment

Before we begin the experiment, we need to collect some information about you.

1. Indicate your gender:
2. Did you attend high school in the USA?

Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment

General Instructions

Lab 2 Experiment on Impression Formation

You are about to begin an experiment designed to study the impressions you form of individuals (and the groups they belong to) on the basis of written descriptions of their behaviors.

We will describe brief episodes from the lives of twenty-seven individuals, one at a time. After reading each description, you will rate that person in terms of how much you would like to meet him or her.

The individuals who will be described in this exercise were selected at random from two different groups. In order not to influence your judgments of the individuals, we will not reveal the names of these groups. We will simply refer to them as "Group A" or "Group B." In the real-world population, Group B is a smaller group than Group A. As a result, you will see fewer statements about members of Group B.

It is very important that you read the entire description of each person before you make a decision about that person. When you are ready to begin, press the "Begin Experiment" button.

Begin Experiment

Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment

Individual Descriptions


You are about to learn a little bit about 27 people.

For each person, read the brief description, then select the button that best describes how you feel about this person.

As soon as you press one of the buttons, your choice will be registered and you will move on to the next person.

definitely no probably no probably yes definitely yes

Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment


Remember: For each person, read the brief description, then select the button that best indicates how you feel about this person.

definitely no probably no probably yes definitely yes

Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment

Ratings Part 1: Overall Impressions

This experiment was designed to study the impressions you form of individuals (and the groups they belong to) on the basis of written descriptions of their behaviors.

Using this 7-point scale, please rate Group A in terms of your overall impression of its members.

1. Group A:

Using this 7-point scale, please rate Group B in terms of your overall impression of its members.

2. Group B:

Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment

Ratings Part 2: Desirable Behaviors by Group

Some of the behaviors described in the episodes were positive or desirable and some were negative or undesirable. For each group, estimate the number of desirable and undesirable behaviors described.

For Group A, estimate the number of desirable behaviors

Group A - Desireable:

For Group A, estimate the number of undesirable behaviors

Group A - Undesireable:

For Group B, estimate the number of desirable behaviors

Group B - Desireable:

For Group B, estimate the number of undesirable behaviors

Group B - Undesireable:

Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment

Ratings Part 3: Desirable Behaviors by Gender

Some of the behaviors described in the episodes were positive or desirable and some were negative or undesirable. For each gender, estimate the number of desirable and undesirable behaviors described.

For Females, estimate the number of desirable behaviors

Females - Desireable:

For Females, estimate the number of undesirable behaviors

Females - Undesireable:

For Males, estimate the number of desirable behaviors

Males - Desireable:

For Males, estimate the number of undesirable behaviors

Males - Undesireable:

Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment

Your Results

  Group A Group B
Overall Impression
Desire to Meet Person
Estimated Frequency
  Group A Group B   Females Males
Desireable Behaviors >  
Undesireable Behaviors  

Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment


This concludes the Impression Formation experiment.

Thank you for your participation!

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Session ending . . .
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Hope College PsychLabs: Impression Formation Experiment