Before we begin the experiment, we need to collect some information about you.
Before we begin the experiment, we need to collect some information about you.
Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment
You are about to begin a two-part memory experiment. The first condition will test "recall memory" -- that is, how well you can retrieve information from memory with minimal retrieval cues.
The second condition will test "recognition memory" -- that is, how well you can retrieve information from memory with strong retrieval cues that allow you to match the retrieval cue against your memory for the information.
It is very important that you do not use any resources to help you on the memory tasks. You must use ONLY the information already stored in your own memory. You will be asked to verify this at the end of the experiment.
When you are ready to begin, press the "Recall Condition" button.
Recall ConditionHope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment
In the text area below, type the first and last name of every U.S. President that you can recall. You can type them in any order. Use commas to separate the Presidents. If you can't remember the first name, type the last name only. Try very hard to spell the names correctly. If you prefer, you can type all names using lowercase only.
Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment
For each name below, indicate whether this person served as President of the United States. Then press the Submit My Responses button at the bottom of the list of names.
Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment
Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment
Results Summary
Number Correct by President
Percent Correct by Historical Era
Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment
This concludes the Memory for Presidents experiment.
Thank you for your participation!
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Hope College PsychLabs: Memory for Presidents Experiment