Welcome to the Mental Rotation Experiment

Before we begin the experiment, we need to collect some information about you.

1. Indicate your gender:
2. Indicate your hand preference:

Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment

General Instructions

Introducing the Mental Rotation Experiment

This experiment is designed to measure how long it takes people to make decisions about rotated letters.

On each trial you will see a black letter "R" in a red circle.

The letter will appear in one of 6 different orientations—the typical orientation (vertical) or rotated to one of 5 other positions (60, 120, 180, 240, or 300 degrees from the vertical).


Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment

General Instructions Page 2

Normal Letters

On half the trials you will see a normal letter—that is, a letter "R" that has been rotated but not flipped, as shown in these examples.

These letters could be rotated to match a standard "R" without flipping the letter.

Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment

General Instructions Page 3

Backward Letters

On the other half of the trials, you will see a backward letter—that is, a letter "R" that has been flipped so that it is a mirror image of a normal "R",
and thus could never be rotated into a position that matches a normal "R", as these examples illustrate.

You must decide whether each letter is "normal" or "backward".
If the letter is "normal", press the N key. If the letter is "backward", press the B key.
Please try to press the key as quickly as you can without making mistakes.

To familiarize you with the task, we will begin with 12 Practice Trials.

Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment


Instructions for Practice Trials

Now you will go through 12 Practice Trials. Please place your left index finger on the B key and your right index finger on the N key.
You will begin each trial by pressing the SPACE BAR with your thumb.

On each trial you must decide whether the letter is "normal" or "backward".
If the letter is "normal", press the N ("normal") key. If the letter is "backward", press the B ("backward") key.

Please try to press the key as quickly as you can without making mistakes.

When you are ready to begin the 12 Practice Trials, press the "Begin Practice Trials" button.

Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment


Instructions for Test Trials

Now you will go through 60 Test Trials. Please place your left index finger on the N key and your right index finger on the M key. You will begin each trial by pressing the SPACE BAR with your thumb.

On each trial you must decide whether the letter is "normal" or "backward".
If the letter is "normal", press the N ("normal") key. If the letter is "backward", press the B ("backward") key.

Please try to press the key as quickly as you can without making mistakes.

When you are ready to begin the 60 Test Trials, press the "Begin Test Trials" button.

Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment


Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment

Your Results

Mean RT in milliseconds
Degrees 0 60 120 180 240 300 Overall
Normal R
Backward R
Percent Correct
Degrees 0 60 120 180 240 300 Overall
Normal R
Backward R

Before you move on, copy your results to your data sheet.

Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment


This concludes the Mental Rotation Experiment.

Thank you for your participation!

Saving data . . . Please wait a moment . . .
Session ending . . .
ERROR - Data not saved!

Hope College PsychLabs: Mental Rotation Experiment